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In additional of the class member idea, I have already noticed that there are some active and real members who can be the Golden member in here. But we have to avoid those "just looking" and "not real" people around. And I am sure Simon can easily judge who can be the Golden Member or not very soon.Joyce Tam
3/2/2000 10:12:13
Richard, I think everyone should be the Copper Class at the begining. but just keep in faith that you will be the Golden Class or higher class soon because you are a value and experted member in here.Joyce Tam
3/2/2000 10:00:18
Simon's idea is reasonable, although it means that I have to join the first class first.Richard
3/2/2000 09:25:56
分三組人也好啊! 致少大家可以說得開心些. 如有機會的話牛牛也想一起去行山啊! (但要牛牛的功課不太忙的時候)tonycow
3/1/2000 20:20:07
3/1/2000 17:09:17
Fair and liberal discussions always lead to fruitful conclusion! That's why TonyCow does not need to say sorry to me. I also like the three-class system initiated by Joyce. May I suggest that members should be free to choose which class they want to join. However, after joining a class, they must strictly follow the regulations and "dress code"Richard
3/1/2000 16:59:21
3/1/2000 16:49:39
A Chai:因這個星期的天氣太差了,下星期如天氣好轉我一定找你帶路,完成這個壯舉!!!Simon
3/1/2000 16:43:59
Joyce Tam:妳的提議十分好,為何不早點提出,我們日後的活動就用三級制吧!Simon
3/1/2000 16:37:18
TonyCow, J.K--I agree with you that nudism should be more "Enjoyable and comfortable". Richard, A Chai--I agree that Mid March is still cool for outdoor activities. How about a cloth on activities, so members can get to know each other more and get to know who is "just looking" or real nudist. Albert-- I agree with you that Simon shouldn't give up after the last gathering. Francis, Alfred--The last gathering is not very good. But your opinion and your experience can help to improve it for the future. "Roman is not build by a day" and it need all our hard works.Joyce Tam
3/1/2000 14:07:01
After reading a page of messge, I have some suggestions want to share with you all. 1) We should give some credits to Simon who works so hard on this free speech newsgroup and organizing activities to encourage local nudism. 2) It is not bad to have more than 10 persons to show up at last gathering although there are many thing need to improve in next time. 3) separate members into 3 main groups. a) Copper members(new members)--wear with clothes, not active members, and the members who may just want to look only. b) Silver members(join gathering for a period of time)--members are OK to be nude in front others members, clothes optional. c) Gold members(active members)--nudist and know the correct way of nudism. 4) separate gatherings and functions into 3 stages. a) common activities--wear on clothes (for copper and new members) b)intermedia activities--clothes options(mix with nudist and potential members). c) nudism activities--without clothes.(regular activities). THose are my personal ideas only. Hope the future activities will be more successful.Joyce Tam
3/1/2000 13:43:44
3/1/2000 02:50:01
Didn't I say that going hiking (naked or not) is dangerous in Hong Kong? I have never worried about robbery. What I said is "the fluctuating weather may cause a lot of troubles" e.g. heavy rain begins to fall when the group is half way up the hill, a member in the group feels sick because the temperature falls drastically, etc. I am not the organizer of the activity. Nor was I a participant in any events organzied by Simon. As I have reiterated, I just spell out my suggestion and expect your response. If you guys think that going out is a better idea, why don't I try?Richard
2/29/2000 23:50:10
我看了richard兄的文章, 想他是在外國進行天體活動吧!先讓我們把天體活挪開,在香港行山活動也不見得很危檢.只要我們量力而為,那沒有不好的地方行.香港也有很多清靜的山,如新界東北部或西貢平日.治安問題也不必太擔心,如擔心小偷,那市區也有很多啊!而且牛牛去了很多次行山也沒有問題.所以行山者量力而為,那是一件很開心的事,擔心的只是我們心埋有鬼. 而天體行為在行山上也只是怕影響別人和安全問題.如果我們找些易行的山路,(如夜行的話要行熟識的山路)那亦是很好的享受啊!tonycow
2/29/2000 23:25:14
Dear A Chai: I have run naked at -3 degree Celsius and I found it good. Nevertheless, I suggest (only suggest) that the activities being planned should preferrably be indoor, because (1)It's a group activity, not an individual one. The last meeting was held indoor but many participants still found 14 degree Celsius a bit too cold for going naked. For this reason, I wrote to ask comrades if it is better to stay indoor. If they insist on going out, that's fine with me. (2) I conclude from the messages posted on the notice board that some participants found the last meeting boring because they did not know each other well. I don't think they know each other well now. Confining a dozen strangers in a camp for two days can be a nightmare. A short indoor activity is not a guarantee for success, but at least you can escape comfortably if you want to. Perhaps you think that in these two days participants can get along well, but are you sure? let's discuss later about your distinction between nudism and naturismRichard
2/29/2000 17:23:52
註:所述並不適用于那些假天體/裸體者,或只好奇想"睇野"的人.A Chai
2/29/2000 16:57:24
Simon :小弟並不抗拒室內天體活動.說細緻一點應是不抗拒室內裸體活動,例如做家務,修剪花草等平時日常生活就已存在的活動或者應說是認同室內裸體活動,可能是詞語上有誤會:天體者(naturist),裸體者(nudist).撇開天體/裸體,小弟日常生活並不喜歡打麻雀,看電視也只會看知識節目;反而是較多上山落水,"擁抱"大自然去;小弟也不會說諸位抗拒跑出大自然天體,只不過可能諸位不了解,不"熟"大自然的脾氣,才會覺得危險,才會如Richard所說mid-march is probably not the ideal time for outdoor activities.作為天體者,或者嚴格一點說,大自然天體者,天體活動並無季節冷暖之分,也不會因天氣冷而縮在室內,只是天體方式因氣侯不同而有改變罷了.希望 Simon 能有過這種感覺良好(最少小弟是)的經驗後,向其他友好宣揚出去,只要知所避忌(唔通山澗有山洪都沖過去咩),there will be no more trouble.A Chai
2/29/2000 16:47:57
很多謝simon給機會牛牛可以做裸體模特兒,雖然牛牛的身材不好(好像牛般有大肚皮),但當中的感受實在很開心和深刻. 這次經驗最開心的,是可以讓人用欣賞的態度看自己的身體.自己從未試過繪畫,但看見他們所畫的也覺興奮,在過程進行中,心中在猜他們在表達什麼,在畫什麼.畫完了,看見自己的影子在畫紙上出現,真的很開心. 希望下次會有機會吧!牛牛也會努力修好身體,希望讓更多人看了自己的身體能表達更多更多的東西.tonycow
2/29/2000 00:37:00
Come on! Let bygones be bygones!Why don't we change the topic?I have told Simon per e-mail that mid-March is probably not the ideal time for outdoor activities, because the fluctuating weather may cause a lot of troubles. How do you boys and girls think?Richard
2/28/2000 23:44:11
2/28/2000 18:10:41
2/28/2000 17:53:04
我想大家有點誤會我的意思了,當時我坐在窗旁,覺得很冷,但我還是肯露兩點,支持一下Simon及我們的聚會,我知道脫不脫是大家的自由,但到底我們是天體聚會,What is the purpose?大家都明白,Simon一早就要求大家帶大毛巾了,但九成人沒帶,表示根本有人惜肉如金,連準備都不打算,才是我不悅之處,要知道大家都是來認識志同道合的朋友的,我追求的是天體的free,但卻不是暴露狂,要我在衣冠中作禽獸,我當然不肯了。Francis
2/28/2000 15:56:55
Too bad I cannot join your activities. I think it is better for people to be able to choose whether and when to be naked, but the concerns of those not feeling comfortable because of those who are not 'genuine' should also be addressed. It is important that everybody feel comfortable enough about the situation. Also, if it is possible to have outdoor activities, it is good to one's health from exposure to the sun & fresh air etc.J.K.
2/28/2000 03:09:19
牛~~~週三那天牛牛也有出值啊!其實牛牛也只除了鞋子,希望下次開始慢慢適應吧! 牛牛也發現有人去看東西!因為牛牛發現simon的名片在洗手間地上出現!這式許太那個了!我想那天如果沒有那些倚子會好些,大家一起坐地上,氣氛會好些,而且也開放些. francis那天真的對不起,因牛牛也是沒有出聲的一位.但我想大家熟了或適應了,這情形會改善的.tonycow
2/28/2000 00:33:58
I am sorry that I have to write in English again because, due to my illiteracy in Chinese computer, it may take me more than an hour to write a Chinese text. Although I was unable to participate in the last event, I understood Francis and Alfred's frustration. Here I would only want to add that "feeling free" is more important than anything else. A free man does whatever he likes even though other people do not follow. If you stop doing what you like simply because other people are not going your way, you are not free. I will not hesitate to take off my clothes if I feel free to do so, even, by doing so, I will become the only naked person in the group (of course, on condition that the people around also feel free to see my wearing the Adam's Costume). It is clear that it was a naturist gathering. However, some participants might be "beginners" who came to experience this new thing and not yet felt free to take off their clothes. Some people were just curious and should be educated. Be patient! The party has just begun.Richard
2/27/2000 23:26:03
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