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已報名於三月中去渡假屋的網友(單身第二組)請聯絡我預繳費用,每位$150元,交費後才作實. | Simon 3/11/2000 17:33:50 | |
天體愛好者;多謝你支持,請電郵你的電話給我吧,我們一定合作愉快! | Simon 3/11/2000 17:25:08 | |
再次多謝你給我參加你工作室之天體聚會及我真的很想試做裸體模特兒可以嗎!如可以的話,e-mail通知我呀,我有空實到的,記住呀我永遠永遠支持你,希望我們可以合力推動人體藝術. | 天體愛好者 3/11/2000 16:33:43 | |
I probably will come along. Please let me know the place we shall meet | Richard 3/10/2000 08:50:14 | |
Simon:太夜才看到你的電郵, 不想打擾你, 不知明晚什麼時間方便給你電話呢? | David 3/10/2000 01:36:56 | |
阿添:裸不裸體是個人自由,請你容許保留這個權利好嗎??? | Simon 3/9/2000 21:01:03 | |
David:下星期四有聚會,請你也參加吧! | Simon 3/9/2000 20:57:25 | |
Hi Simon, 你好,很欣賞你的網頁, 本人經常溜灠外國的nudism網頁, 但一直苦無機會享受這種樂趣,現在發現有此機會,但郤不知如何開始,本人性格也較內向,不知是否適合,何否給在下一點指引呢? 本人是從事設計行業,但己放下素描多年了,也很想參加人體素描班,不知報名有何途徑呢?地點應是在上環吧,我的工作地點也很就近,但要經常OT, 希望時間可以許可吧! 煩請回覆我的問題或Email 給我,謝謝! | David 3/9/2000 19:49:55 | |
網友Timothy會在下星期四晚上7-10時(16/3)在我的工作室為大家介紹一些關於天體的刊物及資料,包括Nude and Natural Mazazine, Information about Cap d' Adge and World Guide to Nude Beach and Resort. 這些資料都可以給大家作參考,有興趣的網友請報名參加互相交流. 謝 | Simon 3/9/2000 19:39:48 | |
個人認為分組問題不大,最重要是定立參加條件,如今次是天體聚會,到會者就必須天體. | 阿添 3/8/2000 17:18:09 | |
我所提議的各組參加條件是指如當次活動是第一組的,所有參加者應是一對的,如你想參加,但你是以一人參加,就要由該次出席的當然成員決定是否接納,不知各位意下如何?? | Simon 3/8/2000 13:37:53 | |
牛牛:第三組是給任何人仕參加的,完會後就可一起去吃飯. | Simon 3/8/2000 13:24:43 | |
Simon: Since I am not in H.K., may be I can be a 'out of territory' or 'overseas' member. Is there any objection from the other members to this? Also, whatever the way of 'separation', I think it is better if it creates more unity and not division. | J.K. 3/7/2000 06:57:30 | |
I agree with Richard said the message on 2000/3/3 09:31:44. "Those who are sincere enough to try, courageous enough to continue or experienced to lead become "core-group" members (or gold members). " | Joyce Tam 3/6/2000 11:11:32 | |
Simon, I think it is "No problem" to separate main groups like that. | Joyce Tam 3/6/2000 11:07:33 | |
Simon說的也不錯!牛牛支持你!但有沒有機會和其他組的人一起吃飯,那各組的人可以有聯絡和認識啊! | tonycow 3/5/2000 23:02:47 | |
我自己的天體行為就相當充實,每天都自然地進行,辦活動只是想提供機會給其他有興趣人仕,及讓那些衛道之士有機會認識什麼是自然及健康的天體行為,我已經全力以赴,四次活動的小食及飲品共五佰多元都無向各位收取,正是出錢出力,但經驗所限,安排不週,還請各位體諒吧! 我本人好支持民主,但我都想獨裁一次,以下的決定希望大家支持一下吧!我提意第一組的參加者將以夫婦或情侶為參加條件,第二組為單身人仕,第三組為任何人仕,而第一二組各有六人為當然成員(首次委任,之後由投票選出),如非同組的參加者想參加當組的活動,就由此六人決定是否接納,不知各位意下如何?? | Simon 3/5/2000 19:47:19 | |
I think the separaton into three groups is a good idea. The freedom to choose to join which group is also important (with strict clothing regulation enforced). As with new members, why not just have a meeting in a regular way to get familiarized, then the new member can choose which group to join. | J.K. 3/4/2000 01:22:52 | |
simon也說的對!希望快些有活動吧! 牛牛去不到camp了!因忙於功課,但如平日有活動的話,牛牛一定出現. | tonycow 3/3/2000 21:16:42 | |
GiGi:請妳展開第一步,先參加初級聚會吧!!! | Simon 3/3/2000 18:26:45 | |
tonycow:如果有一位參加者每次都參加,但每次都做四不像,又點計呢? | Simon 3/3/2000 18:22:36 | |
Excuse me. The below message is posted by me. | Richard 3/3/2000 09:32:58 | |
Now technical problems come up. By creating a selecting system, we become either too bureaucratic or too subjective. May I suggest that we call for a "no-clothes-allowed" party for everybody, in which views of nudism are shared and exchanged in an easy atmosphere (no Majong or TV, please). Program like that may be so serious that peeping-Tom will stay away from it, while people who really want to engage in nudist activities have chances to know about them. After this party,I beleive, we know at least who are enthusiatic supporters. Those who are sincere enough to try, courageous enough to continue or experienced to lead become "core-group" members (or gold members). Those who have tried but feel uncomfortable can move back to the silver group and even the copper group. Those who join later begin with the copper membership. | r 3/3/2000 09:31:44 | |
我想參加,但伯部份不脫衣服的人存心"裝人 | GiGi 3/2/2000 23:11:12 | |
如以simon的眼去判斷會不會太主觀啊?或許以出席次數來衡量會好些. | tonycow 3/2/2000 22:40:46 |