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®S©f,§A¤µ¤é·|¤W¸ô,¯¬§A¥¦w,¬Ã«! | §dP¿Å 7/4/2012¡@11:36:33 | |
¦¬¨ì³â!!!³¡¥÷¬Û¤ù--«ö¤J--¬Û¤ù--«ö¤J | 0001-Simon 7/4/2012¡@09:13:13 | |
Hi Simon¿ð¨Ç§Ú·|¦AMail¬Ûµ¹§A¡C | ¡@ 7/3/2012¡@14:16:37 | |
KAN:¦n¹³¤£¨£¦³¬Û¤ù? | 0001-Simon 7/2/2012¡@20:17:17 | |
¾É¹C:§Úè±q¼w°ê®È¹C¦^¨Ó¡A¦b¨FÅy³£¬Ý¨£¦³¤@¨Ç¤J¤ÑÅé¡C | ¡@ 7/2/2012¡@18:41:48 | |
®S©f,§A¨«¦n! | §dP¿Å 7/2/2012¡@00:48:54 | |
samson:§Anªu³~³ø¾É§r!!! | 0001-Simon 7/1/2012¡@14:50:49 | |
¾É¹C:¥Ñ§A¦w±Æ³â!!! | 0001-Simon 7/1/2012¡@14:49:47 | |
¬Q¤Ñ¥h¤FChan Twin Resort§äSteve¡A¥L»¡³o«×°² §ø¦b¤C¤ë¤¤¶}©lµ¹¤@¶¡®È¹C¤½¥q¯²¤F¤@¦~§@¬°´¶ ³q®È¹C°s©±¡A©Ò¥H¤£¥Î¦A±À¼s°Õ¡C¦ý¸Ó³B¾û±a §Ú°ÑÆ[·sªºChan Resort¡]¤£¦P¦ÑÁ󪺡A¬O¥þ·s ªºNaturist Resort¡A¥i¥H±qºô¶°ÑÆ[¤Î¬Ý¬Ý»ù ¿ú¡^§Ú¦b³oÓResort»{ÃѤF¤@¹ï±q¼w°ê¨Ó®õ°ê§@ ¤ÑÅé®È¹Cªº¤Ò°ü¡A¥LÌÁܽЧÚ̦pªG¥h¼w°ê®È¹C ¥i¥H±´³X¥LÌ¡A¦pªG¥L̨ӻ´äª±¡A·|¨Ó§Ú̪º ·|©Ò±´³X©O¡I | ¾É¹C 7/1/2012¡@12:31:27 | |
¦n§r!§Ú·|¼v¦h啲¬Û¦^¨Ó,·j¶°¦h啲¸ê®Æ¦^¨Ó,»P¤j®a¤À¨É,¾îÕi¾÷²¼ËݶQ,±ð«Yª±@啲 | samson 6/30/2012¡@23:58:37 | |
¤O:¦n§r!!!¦w±Æ¤@¤U³â!!! | 0001-Simon 6/30/2012¡@15:43:14 | |
Hello Simon, ¾Þ咗¤@±Æ¨{ßv²Ó½啲,¥i¥HÀH®É°µModel,§A»Ýnªº¸ÜÀH®Éݯ§Ú°Õ.¤£¹L§Ú¦¸¦¸°µModel³£¼²¥¿¦n¤Ö¤H,§Æ±æ¤µ¦¸¦hd¤H¤W嚟µe°Õ. | ¤O 6/29/2012¡@23:37:41 | |
ÛC¼}¦º¤H¡A¥i¥H¥h¦hÛ¦hªº¤¤¥¡®q,ÁÙ¥h温ôµØªºWreckbeach¡C¦^来时¡A¦b这¨½说给§Ú们ª¾§a¡I | ¡@ 6/29/2012¡@18:56:20 | |
½²ÄÖÄÖ,¤@¸ô¨«¦n | §dP¿Å 6/26/2012¡@14:06:21 | |
J.K. Justin My email address is (fookwunngan@yahoo.com.hk) Please keep contact with me through this email | samson 6/25/2012¡@01:20:49 | |
J.K. ¦³Éó会¤@齐饮¯ù¡A¥h¨I²î®ü滩ª±¡C§Úªº邮½c¨t chineseisamu @yahoo .com | ¡@ 6/23/2012¡@19:59:34 | |
I will be in Korea and Japan from July 24th. to July 14th.. Is there anyone will be in Korea and Japan during these days? | Justin 6/23/2012¡@18:00:40 | |
Samson: According to our conversation during out trip in Pattaya you will visit Canada from July 5th. to August 5th.. My roster for July is out. I will be in Vancouver from July 19th. to July 22nd., July 27th. to July 29th.. August 3th. August 5th.. will be in Vancouver as well. I definitely will show you around Vancouver when I am in town. There is a night market in the city of Richmond. Firework shows will be on between the end of July and the beginning of August. Forthemore gay pride week and Japanese festival are also during this peiord of time as well. I can be reached via chineseisamu@yahoo.com. This is my MSN and QQ account as well. Samson: You are welcome to Canada! Thanks for chosing star alliance member, Air Canada service. | Justin 6/23/2012¡@17:56:27 | |
Samson, if you will come to Vancouver, please e-mail me. | J.K. 6/23/2012¡@01:23:39 | |
Hello Simon, it's been a few years. How are you. | J.K. 6/23/2012¡@01:21:52 | |
ø¥u¥h¦hÛ¦hªº¤¤¥¡®q,ÁÙ·|¥h温ôµØªºWreckbeach,¦ì©óUBC(ªú¸Ö¬Ù¤j¾Ç)®Õ°Ï¦è«núp»·³B. | samson 6/23/2012¡@00:43:35 | |
ø¸Ó®Í! simon ¥S | samson 6/23/2012¡@00:21:17 | |
Hello everybody. All true naturists living in Vancouver, or may come to visit, and would like to get together for activities here, please join this group for contacts. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/VanChNat/ | J.K. 6/19/2012¡@02:12:41 | |
¦ó´µ:¥i±¤´µ¤H¿W¤í!!! | 0001-Simon 6/18/2012¡@23:20:36 | |
¦bªF¤è¤Î¤Ó¶§¬Ý¨£¯Sºµ¥ªºI¼v,«C¤sºñ¤ô,¥O¤H¯«©¹. | ¦ó´µ 6/18/2012¡@22:54:37 |