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d相好美,不如你地放多些相片在这里,等多些人欣赏。建议好吗? | 7/10/2012 11:26:15 | |
側田兄:唔該晒!會代問候各位朋友好。 | 0001-Simon 7/10/2012 08:38:30 | |
Simon兄:我昨天來到東京,今天處理完主要任務,明天會去Canon試 試運氣。請你祝福我,多謝。我係7月16號到香港,請代我問候各位朋 友好。 | 側田 7/9/2012 22:18:58 | |
Sorry 特首,可能是我忘記了。 | 何斯 7/9/2012 14:56:48 | |
你從未收過我的短訊? | 0001-Simon 7/8/2012 23:03:51 | |
請問什麼私聚? | 何斯 7/8/2012 19:36:41 | |
I love these arctiels. How many words can a wordsmith smith? | 7/8/2012 16:42:33 | |
下面呢D係乜野文? | 0001-Simon 7/8/2012 14:48:51 | |
Khun Battambang Kid :ai phanthamitr man sun phan mot leo tich teat ov me vea kor ngeab chol vea hey 0 likes | 7/8/2012 14:46:42 | |
導遊:天體郵輪有無興趣? | 0001-Simon 7/7/2012 23:18:53 | |
荷斯博士:星期三的私聚你來不來? | 0001-Simon 7/7/2012 23:17:02 | |
這些也不錯--相片--按入--相片--按入相片--按入--相片--按入 | 0001-Simon 7/7/2012 10:57:01 | |
請勿輸入又長又無意思的發言人名字!以免影響版面!!謝謝!!! | 0001-Simon 7/7/2012 00:59:14 | |
金毛:影這類品味好嗎?相片--按入--相片--按入 | 0001-Simon 7/7/2012 00:52:01 | |
It is not required, as each pvroince will pay for what happens in another, but .The scales of payment for each pvroince differ. I had an accident in Saskatchewan once, and my Ontario insurance did not cover all the costs, so I had to pay. It was not a lot, but there were some costs. Where I live now (in Yukon) there is no hospital, only a nursing station. You are covered for health care, except if they have to fly you down to Whitehorse to the hospital. Yukon residents would be covered, but not those from other places. This could add quite a bit to the overall costs!So, in general, most things would be covered, but there are things that might not. You have to weigh the risks vs the costs. I've travelled across the country quite a bit, and have always opted not to get extra insurance. An insurance professional would advise it is a good idea! | 7/7/2012 00:50:26 | |
Smart thinking - a clever way of lkooing at it. | 7/7/2012 00:50:14 | |
Boom shakalaka boom boom, pborelm solved. | 7/6/2012 23:46:38 | |
Fidnnig this post has solved my problem | 7/6/2012 23:46:28 | |
娟妹,你路上珍重 | 吳致衡 7/6/2012 09:29:56 | |
That's not even 10 minteus well spent! | 7/5/2012 20:10:41 | |
I'm rlealy into it, thanks for this great stuff! | 7/5/2012 20:10:23 | |
挺 simon 超連結幾好的! | alex 7/5/2012 13:02:23 | |
由即日起,會將有用的報料轉變為超連結,以方便各會員網友! | 0001-Simon 7/5/2012 00:00:10 | |
天體郵輪--按入 | 0001-Simon 7/4/2012 23:21:37 | |
太陽報導--按入 | 0001-Simon 7/4/2012 23:18:00 |