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Joyce Tam:網友天地是一些免費服務及觀賞Video的專頁,分私人及公開兩種,私人的是要密碼,公開的妳現可試看我遊南非的片段,私人的我有一段日本遊,我電郵密碼給妳,但現正測試中,效果未如理想.Simon
12/10/1999 16:23:59
What is 觀賞密碼 Video key in 網友天地(測試中)? Is it open for public?Joyce Tam
12/10/1999 09:07:35
Patrick: Good! Hope the art weblink can spice up this website.Joyce Tam
12/9/1999 10:12:12
GiGi: Although the price of digital camera is more expensive than regular camera. But it is a good way for taking private photo. I borrowed a digital camera from a friend, and the result is not that bad.Joyce Tam
12/9/1999 10:10:20
But this new 自由論壇 have a disadvantage that it can not thread message. That means it can not refer the original message and reply individal message just like news group. The newsgroup is more easy to read in different subject. JoyceTam
12/9/1999 09:58:38
我在網上找到一些外國的FinaArtFigurePhotographer的網頁,很精彩,讓我處理一下後我會send那些address來給大家! Patrick
12/8/1999 19:31:02
GiGi:如是寫真相,我可代你沖晒. Simon
12/8/1999 19:28:30
拍照怎樣沖晒? GiGi
12/8/1999 19:27:22
alan:現時的相機是全自動的,一般人都能拍到好相,而家影相都吳洗點學! Simon
12/8/1999 19:25:37
你太太的攝影技術很好呢! alan
12/8/1999 19:24:11
12/8/1999 19:22:56
跟旅行團沒機會 GiGi
12/8/1999 19:22:03
GiGi:多謝你的贊賞,其實在溫泉拍的相只是我倆隨便互拍,如各網友到外地旅遊時可順便拍一些戶外寫真回來,最好提供給我上網,與眾同樂. Simon
12/8/1999 19:20:32
你們的新相片很美,是否你們互拍?還是找攝影師代拍? GiGi
12/8/1999 19:19:27
12/8/1999 17:25:42
幾時有機會呀? 小浩
12/8/1999 17:20:04
Joyce Tam:現在這個留言版是比較好,我想將D舊資料轉過來後取消舊的留言版,請問妳有無更好提議?Simon
12/8/1999 17:16:20
Will old 自由論壇或留言簿 close down?Joyce Tam
12/8/1999 09:29:18
There is too much limitation of puting your information in other free web hosting place. But that's the most cheapest way to do now.Joyce Tam
12/8/1999 09:26:43
12/7/1999 19:24:59
Everyone is qualify to be a nude model if you are over 18 years old. No need to be handsome, or strong, just be yourself. You can contact Simon for more information. Joyce Tam
12/7/1999 19:11:43
在海外,如日本,人體藝術是可以登堂入室的,如一位大師,名叫荒木經惟,他的作品集超過三十部,但大都是一些不經意的攝影,其中有部份是專影技女的,但日本人都很接受,無論任何行業,性別,亦都是他的 Fans,但在香港,這些影集就不能在普通的大書店可以找到了! patrick
12/7/1999 19:09:17
看到報章的報導,原來星加坡的人體藝術發展比香港更困難,真是身在褔中不知褔,澳門和香港只一水之隔,不知有沒有人知道澳門的人體藝術發展空間又如何? Simon
12/7/1999 19:05:20
12/5/1999 15:01:07
12/5/1999 14:49:30
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