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希望在明年!!! | 0001-Simon 12/27/2009 23:44:56 | |
年過年過年年過 | 路人丁 12/27/2009 23:32:53 | |
2009年就快過去!展望2010年! | 吳致衡 12/27/2009 21:22:07 | |
All permissions were obtained. | 12/27/2009 16:57:59 | |
simon:我29號先至收工呀,甜品下星期整好急凍先至帶過嚟啦。 | 金毛 12/27/2009 14:23:51 | |
在香港安排非本地模特兒(未獲入境條例許可的人士)在香港工作,不論有酬或無酬均屬違法,一經定罪,目前的最低判刑指引為工人及顧主必須即時入獄六個月,再者,你沒有為你安排的模特兒購買勞工保險,罪加九等,人不會永遠好運,你還是要三思,否則,香港的監獄可能須要預留一些位置!!! | 0001-Simon 12/27/2009 11:26:23 | |
金毛:今日收工有無甜品食? | 0001-Simon 12/27/2009 11:06:51 | |
水有好多種,你里種可能係流口水喎!!! | 0001-Simon 12/27/2009 00:40:37 | |
亞5ming永遠有好介紹!!! | 0001-Simon 12/27/2009 00:38:19 | |
simon : 你點知我係亞水,哈哈, 咁都俾你估到. | 亞水 12/26/2009 23:45:19 | |
"武廣高鐵"網頁 ! 非常正 ! 值得大家一看 ! http://www.nddaily.com/nddailyfile/webria/wuguang/zy.html | 5ming 12/26/2009 21:32:51 | |
12/26/2009 14:52:58 | ||
每月 20job 都幾好喎,不過你唔好以為好過引,如Model本身出意外或因Model引致的任何事故或引發的任何損失,各方面都會向你索償,例如Model在工作期間有意外引致傷亡,索償金額可能會過千萬,你可否想過?所以我們為Model支付各類型保險每年接近一萬五千元,這筆無形支出你有沒有想過?祝你好運!!! | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 14:09:08 | |
各有各做喇!!!天同地加埋係好大!!!可以容納好多野!!! | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 13:46:22 | |
我點知你係亞水???? | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 13:40:42 | |
Model本身如果身型好標準,又好靚仔,當然唔使好落力都好有市場,這是上天給他的恩賜,如沒有較好的先天條件,但有後天的努力也會有生存空間,如兩者都無當然係食自己啦!!! | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 13:39:21 | |
No of course I don't have insurance. But I get many more jobs than if I was working in the agency. In theagency you choose...I go direct..the institutions hire me and like me a lot, I am one of the best. | 12/26/2009 13:35:36 | |
Yes the institutions choose...that is how I manage to get 20 job a month | 12/26/2009 13:34:46 | |
Model做得好唔好不是你同我去評定的,是由市場評定的,如果做得不好就沒有生存空間,自然就會被淘汰!!! | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 13:30:42 | |
我們沒有專利,院校有自由選擇的權利,請把這個選擇權交回院校自己決定,學校會有自己的思維. | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 13:20:12 | |
亞豬亞狗都有個名,首先請你留個名,唔使我好像同空氣講野!!! | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 13:15:49 | |
The best models in Hong Kong at the moment are not in your agency...I am sure you know that | 12/26/2009 12:54:35 | |
Regarding the "problems"...well apparently many of your male models are really not professional to the point where it is impossible to conduct a class. They are not "models"..only get excited at being nude...not the same thing | 12/26/2009 12:51:37 | |
Simon, in the past there was only your agency. Now there are many independent models. Institutions only use the agency when they have no other choice. | 12/26/2009 12:49:59 | |
我們維一和院校對立的就是Model費,因為院校是想付最少,Model又想收最多,所以在這方面就真是兩面不討好,我們是中間人,只可在中間落墨,維護雙方利益!!! | 0001-Simon 12/26/2009 12:40:29 |